I have put together an updated USDGC Roc information and price guide. The other site, championroc.com, is an excellent site, but it hasn't been touched since early 2010. The best place to go on this site right now is the Price Guide. It has all the years and all of the discs. Each disc listed is clickable and will take you to the information page of that disc. Remember, this is just a guide, not the final say. There are obvious outliers such as 1 of 1's that people will pay more for.
I have been in contact with the USDGC and they would love to have a site that is constantly updated, so I built one. We will work together to try to build a great site. I am in no way a web designer, but this is what I came up with anyways.
Donations are always helpful and we have been able to purchase a domain name for the site.
Please go to the contact form to contact me about any information that might be lacking.
Thank You
Update (10/31/16): Some ask how I determine the prices. Long story short, I keep an eye on sales on ebay and Facebook groups. Obviously, there are outliers such as 1 of 1's, and cool colors and such. The guide is just a guide, not the final say on price.
Update (10/28/16): All of the 2016 Rocs are listed on the site! I also changed the color scheme away from the gaudy weird green colors!
Update (3/2/14): Thank you all for your generous donations! With the donations, I have purchased championroc.info. More donations means I can put more effort into the site. Thanks!
Update (11/26/13): I now have full permission from championroc.com to produce an updated site, as they have no intentions on updating their site. A lot of the early information on this site is taken from championroc.com. Thank you for the hard work and allowing me to use the information.